My deepest and most sincere apologies for the lack of updates on the plant recently. I wish I had some sort of profound excuse for the fact that it's been nearly 2 months since the last update, like alien abduction or being hijacked by a group of rogue pirates. Unfortunately, I have no such excuse. However, it has been a VERY busy last two months, which is a great gift from God. I guess that if I had the choice between having the time to update the blog weekly or only the time to update monthly(ish) due to the number of meetings with people in the community, 1-on-1 coaching sessions with other leaders, coffee with other planters and religious leaders in the City, food distribution to children at a local school, taking food to elderly neighbors, etc., I suppose I would choose the latter option :)
So click on the video below to hear about:
- Our weekly Sunday night gatherings
- Men's and Women's times
- Our work with Second Harvest Heartland and Homeless Care Kits
- Leadership development
- Individual missional activities
- Recent vision casting event
- Fundraising update
Our recent events:
Genesis Men
Catch the Vision!
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