Two of our biggest prayer requests right now are perseverance and trust. It has become increasingly obvious to me that there is no doubt that our Lord Jesus Christ will grow this collection of individuals knows as Genesis into a "viable, self-sustaining Christian congregation" . . . if we persevere. The back half of that sentence is what worries me somewhat.
- Will I persevere through the unique struggles that come with bi-vocational ministry?
- Will the other families persevere when they receive a sea of "No's" and a scarcity of "Yes's" to their invitations to follow Christ and pursue Him alongside the rest of the Community?
- Will the "bean counters" persevere when our numbers don't match their expectations?
- Will our prayer warriors persevere when God seems silent and it seems like their prayers are going out into an empty void?
I can honestly say that if our goal is the creation of another "viable, self-sustaining Christian congregation," then we will not persevere. If our goal is to be considered successful in term of the 3 B's (Butts, Building, Budget) then we will not persevere. However, if we are seeking first the Kingdom of God . . . if we have our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ . . . if we are pointing everyone in S. Minneapolis NOT to Genesis but to the loving arms of the Savior . . . if we live humbly like our Lord . . . if we seek to serve and not to be served . . . if we love and sacrifice for the poor and marginalized . . . then we absolutely will persevere and allow the Lord to turn Genesis into whatever He wishes it to be.
Please be in prayer for us. Perhaps now would also be a good time for you to pray for perseverance in whatever ministry God has given to you?