Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Will We Persevere?

Two of our biggest prayer requests right now are perseverance and trust. It has become increasingly obvious to me that there is no doubt that our Lord Jesus Christ will grow this collection of individuals knows as Genesis into a "viable, self-sustaining Christian congregation" . . . if we persevere. The back half of that sentence is what worries me somewhat. 
  • Will I persevere through the unique struggles that come with bi-vocational ministry? 
  • Will the other families persevere when they receive a sea of "No's" and a scarcity of "Yes's" to their invitations to follow Christ and pursue Him alongside the rest of the Community? 
  • Will the "bean counters" persevere when our numbers don't match their expectations? 
  • Will our prayer warriors persevere when God seems silent and it seems like their prayers are going out into an empty void?

I can honestly say that if our goal is the creation of another "viable, self-sustaining Christian congregation," then we will not persevere. If our goal is to be considered successful in term of the 3 B's (Butts, Building, Budget) then we will not persevere. However, if we are seeking first the Kingdom of God . . . if we have our eyes fixed upon Jesus Christ . . . if we are pointing everyone in S. Minneapolis NOT to Genesis but to the loving arms of the Savior . . . if we live humbly like our Lord . . . if we seek to serve and not to be served . . . if we love and sacrifice for the poor and marginalized . . . then we absolutely will persevere and allow the Lord to turn Genesis into whatever He wishes it to be.

Please be in prayer for us. Perhaps now would also be a good time for you to pray for perseverance in whatever ministry God has given to you?

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Planting by Paul

As you (might) know, our strategy for church planting intentionally mimics that of Paul in the book of Acts, just on a smaller scale. Paul went from city to city doing the work of the Kingdom of God (proclaiming the Good News and caring for people's physical and emotional needs). Through this Kingdom-work, the Spirit created life-giving faith and in the wake of this Kingdom-work, churches were planted (people gathering together to grow in their faith and continue the Kingdom-work that had been started.) 

I love what Luke writes in Acts 14:21-23, which occurs at the end of Paul's 1st Missionary Journey. In these verses it talks about how Paul strengthened the churches that were planted through his Kingdom-work and entrusted them to local elders.

For us, our strategy necessitates the development of Gospel Community Leaders, people who have the desire and giftedness to apply the Gospel to a group of people. Our primary avenue for this is to disciple people into faith and then equip them to eventually launch and lead their own Community. But we are also looking to "fast-track" some people who are ready to be Gospel Community Leaders. In fact, last week we had two "Gospel Community Leader Recruitment Dinners." Please be in prayer for these two families as well as the family that we'll be recruiting in the upcoming weeks along with the other "fast-track" families and individuals that the Spirit has placed on our radar!

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Stats Don't Lie . . .

Stats don't lie, the Twin Cities are a massive mission field.

Last Monday I attended a quarterly church-planting event that is run by an organization called Mission 1618, which was started by Hope in downtown Minneapolis. Meeting and learning with others who are on the front lines of missions and church-planting in this area is always an amazing and refreshing time. At the most recent M1618 gathering, we were blessed with the presence of Rev. Dr. John Mayer from City Vision. He is THE demographics guru for the Twin Cities and THE go-to guy in order to know the Twin Cities better. 

I have personally had the pleasure of meeting and learning from Dr. Mayer numerous times. He shared a ton of great information on the reality that the Twin Cities are a major mission field. Here are just a few of the statistics for the Twin Cities area:
  1. The largest Somali, Hmong, Oromo Ethiopian, Liberian, Karen Burmese, and Anuak populations in the U.S., as well as the second largest Tibetan concentration
  2. Fourth largest homosexual population in the U.S. with Minneapolis voted the "Gayest City in America" in 2011
  3. One of the largest concentration of witches in the U.S. (Paganistan), numbering over 20,000
  4. Largest Cambodian Buddhist Temple in the U.S.
  5. Largest Hindu temple in North America
  6. Over 45,000 deaf people and only 2% are professing Christian
  7. Contains over 125 Muslim mosques
  8. 9 Muslim mosques, 6 Hindu temples, 3 Buddhist temples, 1 Sikh temple, 1 Jain temple, and 1 witch coven are now located in former Christian church buildings
  9. 77,000 Somalis (highest concentration of any U.S. city) with only 29 known Christian believers
  10. 40,000 Native Americans with only 1% connected to a Christian church 

While some of these stats may seem overwhelming, the Kingdom of God is VERY active in the Twin Cities. In fact, Dr. Mayer claims (and I agree with his claim) that there is a quiet revival happening here. Over the last 10 years there have been over 1,100 Christian churches planted in the Twin Cities area (60% of these churches are non-White). God is up to big things here, and we are honored to be a small part of His activity!

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Monday, May 5, 2014

The Kingdom of God Is at Hand through Words and Actions

I have mentioned several times that we are a church that priorities being generous towards the City (in fact, that's one of our 5 goals!) One of the doors that the Spirit has opened to us is an organization called MVNA

A little over a week ago, I, along with another core participant in the plant, met with the director of development for MVNA. Out of that meeting came a deeper commitment to serving the least of these through them (97% if their clients are 200% below the poverty level). We have pledged to put them in our annual budget, do monthly service projects for them, and look for ways to work 1-on-1 with individuals. In light of our commitment, the following email was sent out by MVNA's CEO to their employees:

"Karin Meier met this past week with the pastor of the South Minneapolis Plant Church from Waconia Lutheran Church. They were a 'contact' interested in building kits for Community of Caring. She had presented to their small group one Sunday morning a couple months ago about MVNA and they built rattle racket kits for us. Several of the members have ties to the medical industry and feel like MVNA is a good fit for them. Pastor Dave contacted her a couple weeks ago to have coffee. From that meeting, this group has picked MVNA as one of their core projects, pledging $1,000 this year and they will build kits once a month for MVNA as a church but also they are doing a lot of community building and will be hosting neighborhood gatherings monthly to do MVNA kit building."

What is also exciting about all of this is the fact that our initial contact with MVNA is a nurse who lives a couple of blocks from us and is unabashedly not a believer in Christ. Not only are we helping to care for those on the fringes through this commitment, but it has also opened the door for us to share the Gospel with someone who is far from Christ. How cool is that!

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