Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Finally Hittin' the Ground . . .

This week's video blog intends to do two things - 1) Provide an update on what's happening (and there's a LOT) in the plant, and 2) Share a portion of the vision that we have for this plant. So click on the video below to hear about:

  1. Housing updates for the core team from Waconia
  2. New participants in the plant
  3. Management Team update
  4. Discipleship and multiplication strategies
  5. Upcoming speaking engagements

Also, click on this video to see a basic introduction to the vision of the plant:

Finally, click on the following links to support us:
  1. In prayer - http://ow.ly/mSRdp 
  2. Financially - http://ow.ly/mSRkc

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