I’m not sure where I heard this analogy (although I do know I didn’t come up with it!) but broadly speaking, there are three avenues for applying the Gospel to people’s lives:
- The Lighthouse – This is mass application. It takes the truths of God’s Word and throws them out to the masses. Typically this avenue takes shape in the form of large group worship or other mass events.
- Flashlight – This is application to a few. Through this avenue it is easier to figure out the specific needs, cares, concerns, etc. of the group and apply the Gospel accordingly. Typically this avenue takes shape in the form of small groups, Missional Communities, etc.
- Laser Pointer – This is application to an individual. Since this takes shape in a 1-on-1 setting, it is possible to figure out exactly what the person needs to hear (rebuke, words of forgiveness, exhortation, specific insights, etc.) and act accordingly.
- Celebrate – This will be a space for us to celebrate what the Lord has done for us as individuals and as Gospel Communities.
- Connect – This will also be a space for the different Gospel Communities to connect with each other. It will also be a space to connect the disconnected to Christ and the life of His church.
- Proclaim – Since this will be the Lighthouse component, it will be a space to preach the Word and for people to respond to that Word.
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