Thursday, November 27, 2014

Our Work with Angel Tree

At Genesis, we divide our work with the city into 2 categories. The first category is our Mercy work. These tend to be one-time, as-needed events. For instance, we’ve worked with Second Harvest Heartland to distribute food, we’ve assembled and distributed homeless care kits, we’ve prepared and served meals at the Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery, etc. The second category is our Justice work. These are ongoing and gradually increasing relationships with a handful of local care and outreach agencies. The four agencies that fall into this category are:
  1. MVNA
  2. Engage Global
  3. Prison Fellowship
  4. Little Earth of the United Tribes

This Christmas season, we are excited to participate in one of Prison Fellowship’s programs - Angel Tree. Here is a brief summary of what Angel Tree is and does:

Every child has a story. For 2.7 million American children, that story is filled with the abandonment, loneliness and shame that come from having a mom or dad in prison. For many, it may also include following their parents down the same destructive road to incarceration.

Angel Tree, a program of Prison Fellowship, reaches out to the children of inmates and their families with the love of Christ. This unique program gives your church an opportunity to share Christ’s love by helping to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the families of prisoners.

We have been assigned 6 children. Over the course of the next month we will meet with them and their caregivers, provide them with Christmas presents on behalf of their incarcerated parent, and show them the love of Jesus through words and actions. Please pray for us, these children, their caregivers, and their parents, that through this ministry the love of Jesus and the Christmas message would shine brightly!

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