Monday, September 29, 2014

Miracle Grow Community

In the next month we will launch our Miracle Grow Community. This is our biggest step yet in developing Genesis' dual emphases - 1) Genesis the congregation, and 2) Genesis the mission-equipping agency. These two emphases can be described thusly:
  1. Genesis, as a local church, exists in South Minneapolis. We currently have two Gospel Communities. In the coming months, we will add large group worship. We have a website (under construction), Facebook page, Twitter handle, and Instagram account (under construction).
  2. The Miracle Grow Community exists as a part of Genesis’ mission to identify, equip, and support missional leaders regardless of their geographic location, denominational affiliation, or congregational participation. 
  3. Members of the Miracle Grow Community are welcome to participate in any aspect of the congregational component of Genesis, but it is not required.
You may ask, "What exactly is this Miracle Grow Community?" In short, a Miracle Grow Community is (the following is borrowed from this information from Mason Vineyard):
  1. A space to directly disciple current or future missional leaders who will, in their unique setting and calling, apply the Gospel to a group of people
  2. A space to give and receive encouragement and accountability
  3. A space you are invited into by the leader—this is not something you bring a friend to
  4. A space to help people answer two questions each time we meet: 1) Where is Jesus at work around me? and 2) How am I joining Him in that work? 
  5. A space for a season only, not forever (in our case, 1 year)
Please pray for those in Minneapolis and the surrounding towns who have been invited into this Community. Pray that they would accept this invitation and grow as faithful witnesses of the Gospel wherever they live.

Invest in us and our work in S. Minneapolis - Click Here

Pray for us and our work in S. Minneapolis - Click Here

Participate in the life of the Community - Click Here or Here


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