Monday, September 8, 2014

When Darkness Seems to Be Winning

I love the Bible. I love the fact that the whole of the Bible is God's Word and "is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." (2 Timothy 3:16) I loved our year-long journey through Acts. I've loved our journey so far through Proverbs. But in all of the Bible, I especially love the book of Habakkuk. 

If you're not familiar with the narrative of Habakkuk, it basically goes like this:
  • The prophet Habakkuk complains to God about all the evil around him and asks Him to do something about it.
  • God responds by declaring that He will send a group of people who are even more evil to wipe out the evil around the prophet. 
  • The prophet tells God that he doesn't like His plan.
  • God tells the prophet that one day He will bring all evil to justice. 
  • The prophet submits to God's plan and worships Him.  

I love this book for many reasons, but the top reason is because it is constantly relevant (not that the rest of the Bible isn't). When the church takes God's Word seriously to make disciples . . . When we seek to live like Jesus and plunge ourselves into the midst of the hurt, broken, abused, and outcast . . . When we share the Good News only to be rejected and met with apathy . . . When we see a world filled with so many who have bought into Satan's lies . . . Then we will certainly follow the prophet's narrative:
  • God, fix things!
  • OK, but I'm gonna' do it this way instead if the way you're thinking.  
  • I don't like that way!
  • Don't worry, one day everything will be made perfect and new. 
  • OK. Help me to worship you, trust you, and be faithful to you. 

When you're on the front lines, God's ways rarely make sense. But when you're on the front lines, God is all you have. He is all you want. And you have no choice but to completely trust His promises, even when it seems like the darkness is winning. 

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