Monday, September 15, 2014

On to the Next Job

In the coming weeks I will have my last day as a park keeper for the Minneapolis Parks & Recreation Board. After 3+ months, my seasonal position will come to an end. Then, it's on to the next job, whatever that may be. 

As with everything, we must ask ourselves – Did we accomplish what we wanted to accomplish with the seasonal position at MPRB? I believe the answer is a resounding "Yes!" As I've written before, our 3 main reasons for being an intentionally bi-vocational church are:
  1. Missional
  2. Leadership Development
  3. Finances
But especially with this seasonal position, we wanted to use it as a trial run of sorts in order to learn how to be bivo and answer questions like: "How do we manage our time and energy?"  "How do we spread things around so that all the work for Genesis is getting done?" "How do we handle the budgeting and payroll for a bivo ministry?" "How do we handle the miscellaneous stuff we don't even know about in the bivo life?" Etc. Etc. We were able to find answers to all of these questions and find ourselves far more knowledgeable, capable, and comfortable as an intentionally bi-vocational church.

Of course, the biggest question is: “Is bivo a short-term or long-term thing?” Our answer is: “We will keep doing this until the Spirit guides us differently.” The beauty of where we are now and where we are going is that we are a very healthy 1 year-old church and we are leveraging ourselves to be healthy for many years to come. And I think that’s pretty exciting.

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